
This is a space for me to dump my thoughts, coherent or otherwise. I’m definitely not trying to procrastinate by posting here.


18 Nov 2024

Matters of Profitability

Solid is heavy. Liquid is lighter. Gas is lightest. Solid is barely profitable. Liquid is fairly profitable. Gas is highly profitable. Restaurants, which serve food, only make money on drinks. Liquids can be profitable, even without a secret formula. Bottled water is more profitable than running a restaurant. But even more so than liquids, gases are the most profitable. Cigarettes and the like. You could serve marujuana in brownies, but it more profitable to sell it as a smokeable thing.

20 Oct 2024

Thoughts on Interfaces

Some thoughts on interfaces. Apple and Google Maps The most common first action I take when opening a maps app on my phone is to search for something. Apple Maps Google Maps In Apple Maps, my thumb is pretty much already on the search bar while holding the phone, so I can just tap into it and start searching immediately. Google Maps (sorry for all the saved spots), on the other hand, forces me to stretch my thumb awkwardly or use my other hand, which may not be free.

20 Oct 2024

Why I write software

There are few media as satisfying to the creator as software. Perhaps writing or composing music comes close. As in most creative forms, software is at its best when it combines both technique and insight. The success of executing these two elements is the result of the maker’s taste, which comes from experience. Experience cannot be measured in years. It must instead be the depths of the paths traveled. A sailor who sails only in calm seas cannot claim to be experienced.